What Mobile App Testing Labs Are All About
Mobile Technology

What Mobile App Testing Labs Are All About

By Mainak Biswas November 15, 2012 - 771 views

If the 2000s was the decade of blogs and social media, the 2010s are certainly the decade for mobile apps. With more number of people using apps to access their favourite sites on mobile devices, the demand for quality applications is on a steady rise. It is important for every company or web admin to have a mobile version of their website, which must preferably be in the form of an application. Mobile apps feature interactivity, richness of feature, better graphics and ease of use. With this in mind, one would have to considering apps rather seriously.

What One Must Bear in Mind While testing Mobile Apps

Once developed, the applications need to be tested in order to verify if they are good enough to go live in the market. The number of tools to test applications is smaller than the number of tools available for general software testing. Moreover, mobile apps are intended to be used by people who may not have even the basic software or technical background. This essentially means that testing an application is to test for its simplicity and minimalism.

Growing Awareness about Mobile App Testing Labs

People are increasingly beginning to understand the importance of mobile testing labs, in which new applications are verified and tested for their suitability before being launched in the market. These labs can prove to be very expensive, and they are hard to build. This is mostly because the software which is required to run certain application and the many devices which lab technicians would require in order to check suitability over different handsets and operating systems are simply too expensive.

Testing Mobile Apps: The Process

The process of testing application begins with R&D Testing and then proceeds to Factory Testing before culminating in Certificate Testing. During the R&D Testing, developers test for hardware, software and mechanical errors. Once an app passes this process it is time to verify if the app works well on any device that it is meant to be used on. Finally, a Certificate Testing is done in order to conform to regulations that governments and companies place regarding security, health hazards and other such profound matters.

Behind the Scenes: Mobile App Testing Labs

What one needs to know however is that mobile app testing does not happen in a casual environment. They take place in special labs which are built for only this purpose. The labs consist of test automation software, emulators, simulators and actual devices. Testing labs are handled by experts who know their job and have hands-on experience in app testing for years.

Most of these mobile testing labs are expensive to run and many developers find it difficult to have a lab of their own. Moreover, devices and cellphones need to be maintained, upgraded or even replaced in order to make sure that the lab has all the devices that an application needs to be tested upon.

Professional testers themselves need to have years of experience and considerable knowledge so that there are no opportunities for errors before certificate testing. When it comes to testing applications over particular operating systems, one needs to be a little more than just careful. No matter what the situation is, the lab and the technicians involved make the difference.

Testing Across Devices and Platforms

Apart from smartphones being PDAs, they also come with varied hardware features such as scanners, GPS, accelerometers, telemetry, touchscreen and so on. These hardware elements are crucial for applications as each device varies in terms of the specs available. For instance, devices may have very small screens or may have extra large screens. Thus, an app tester must keep these versatile specs in mind before testing an application. Any app that is designed has to be usable across various devices, even though they all use the same OS.

As everyone knows, the most number of apps are available for Apple’s iOS platform, and close behind lurks Android OS. BlackBerry devices may have lost their popularity in developed nations, but their popularity in emerging markets remains strong. Of course, there is also another contender from Microsoft Windows Mobile.

Hiring Third-party App testing Labs and Professionals

At IndusNet Technologies, we understand the importance of having access to superior mobile web and app testing labs to companies and individuals. Many companies and individuals may not be keen to set up their own app testing labs, or hire someone on a full time basis. We offer app testing services and we are equipped with the latest devices, handsets, simulators and software in order to make sure that your apps run effectively across devices and platforms. With professionals having years of experience, we offer cutting edge services in app testing.

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