Using SugarCRM in Education Industry
Design Web Development

Using SugarCRM in Education Industry

By Mainak Biswas February 13, 2013 - 1,021 views

If you run an educational institution or a training institute, you will often know that students tend to be as elusive as they are omnipresent. They can be found easily but to get them to enroll in a course is as difficult as moving mountains. Only, you need to know who would be genuinely interested in your school or university and in the programs that you offer. So then, how exactly can we go ahead and make sure that students and apprentices are targeted easily so that profit is increased? One will have to use a customer relationship management tool that is specifically optimized for students and education. This goes a long way.

Why Do Educational Institutions Require CRM Tools?

Whether you are recruiting students for profit or whether it is to answer queries related to admission or to ensure that grades are allotted to the right student, a CRM tool always comes to rescue. Of all these tools, SugarCRM is one of the best and is widely used in education settings. There are several universities and colleges all over the world that use SugarCRM as the main software to understand students’ needs and to communicate with them, and also get profitable. Let us learn how SugarCRM helps education.

Communicating with Prospective Students and the Journey of Recruiting them

Universities and colleges deal with an enormous amount of competition. Students are well informed and they know that there are a number of universities waiting for them. This results in a situation where universities and colleges have to actually market enrolment programs as if they were products. Thus, students are often treated as customers more than young scholars. This competitive pressure has resulted in the formation of certain management strategies which includes using customer relationship management tools. These tools help universities and colleges to streamline internal processes and become productive.

Secondly, they help universities and colleges to operate efficiently and cut costs. This is one of the reasons why universities and colleges often contact us with respect to CRM tools. The best CRM tool for universities and colleges is SugarCRM, according to a number of users. These organizations have to focus not only on students, but also on parents, alumni, donors and others who may be helpful in increasing the profits of the organization.

How SugarCRM Helps in Managing an Educational Institution

SugarCRM can be used for applications, filling up forms, maintain database about students who had expressed interest in a particular course, managing their reports, grades and feedback and even to assess their progress when they are in the university. It can be used to understand the market that is most amenable to your campaigns and also to focus on certain demographics.

Contacting People Who Matter and Raising Funds Using SugarCRM

Parents, who are major decision makers when it comes to education, can also be contacted with the help of SugarCRM. Their queries and concerns can be tackled and they could be encouraged to spend more on extra courses and frills. Once students graduate and leave the institution, they can be contacted each year for alumni association meetings and also to seek help for canvassing or for raising funds. Likewise, external donors can be contacted or communicated with, with the help of SugarCRM. SugarCRM is great software for educational institutions and will continue to boost revenue for such institutions. It needs to be seen how many universities will begin to start using CRM tools instead of old software programs that are outdated now.

SugarCRM is being used across educational institutions increasingly. SIM University, Ottantaventi Formazione, ROC Eindhoven, Kalamazoo, The Catholic University of Lyon, GROUPE HEC and others have begun to use SugarCRM extensively. The future seems to be vested in using CRM tools like SugarCRM effectively in order to ensure increased profitability and margins. If you run educational institution and need assistance in choosing the right ERP or CRM, do not hesitate to call us up or contact us. Our professionals will be able to guide you and help you with the right tool for your educational institution. After all, students are some of the most valuable customers who will spend a significant duration of their lives in your institution. Ensuring that they are satisfied and happy is one of the reasons why you must invest in a CRM tool.

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