Twitter Redesign: Everything You Need to Know
Digital Marketing Marketing

Twitter Redesign: Everything You Need to Know

By Mainak Biswas August 19, 2014 - 674 views

Not one to remain stagnant or predictable, Twitter again rolled out new changes to its design last month. It makes the profile look much more Facebook-like but it keeps all the goodness that Twitter is famous for.

What are the changes?

There are two major changes to the Twitter design. It asks you for a cover photo, which is basically your background shot. It should be around 1500 x 500 pixels. The profile picture too has moved to the left side of the screen and it needs to be around 400 x 400 pixels for optimum results.

The third option is to pin a tweet of yours that you really like so that it appears at the top. It could be anything that you like or anything that has been written by you. You can pin that tweet to the top so that everyone sees it. Whoever visits your profile will now see the pinned tweet at the top, along with your extra-large background image and a new profile image (if you wish to change it).

The re-design makes Twitter look very Facebookish but that is where the similarities end. Twitter is now more personalized and you can sort your photos and videos the way you want to. Another big change that has come to Twitter is you can choose to view people’s tweets in two ways: just their tweets or the tweets that they have sent to others and their replies.

A lot of people are using Twitter now

Though minor changes, these can create a lot of buzz around Twitter. In the last one month, we have seen more Facebook users using Twitter now than ever. It has got something to do with the design probably. Twitter looks more user-friendly now and it is more approachable to people who are used to Facebook-like interfaces.

The fact that in the last one month a lot of people have changed to the new Twitter design says a lot about how cool the new design really is. While it might look like Twitter is imitating Facebook, it clearly is not. It has just taken the good qualities of Facebook and made it its own. This will ensure that those who are not comfortable using Twitter will begin to use it the way they want to. Twitter is no more the difficult social networking site it used to be.

Two impressive changes that we vouch for

What we really like about the new design are the best tweets that can be pinned and also the large background image. Twitter was always ephemeral and never held anything for a long time. This made it difficult for marketing professionals to keep a message constant. They had to repeatedly tweet the same thing much to the annoyance of their followers.

Now, an important tweet can be chosen and pinned to the top of the profile so that your followers always see that. This ensures that you do not add to the noise that already exists and will, instead, come across as someone who is interested in communicating the right kind of messages.

Secondly, the background image is super-impressive too. With almost 1500 pixels to showcase, you can use it for a number of marketing purposes. Whether you want to use the background image to market your logo or as an infographic that showcases all the good work you have done, the new background image certainly is a great way to make sure that people take notice of what you are trying to communicate.

Start using Twitter now

All said and done, it is important to learn how to use Twitter properly. It is the second-most important social networking site today and is also used by some of the most influential people. The new changes to the profile also gives indication that Twitter will begin to focus more on advertising, which is what we all are most interested in.

If you want to remain in touch with those influential people, you had better start using Twitter right now. It is an easy platform that is not difficult to learn. It is also fun and entertaining to use Twitter once you get the hang of it; and of course, it is a very powerful marketing tool.

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