Today’s Top Technology News
Industry News

Today’s Top Technology News

By Abhishek Rungta September 02, 2016 - 908 views
  1. Linux May Have Compromised Android Security

We all assumed Linux to be safe from malicious threats. Unfortunately, an attempt to secure TCP/IP has allowed practically anybody to hijack connections between Linux and Android systems. Not good news for those with Android phones. The good news is, there is a fix. Learn how to protect yourself from this new threat. #security

  1. Box Comes to Canada and Australia

Cloud data storage is changing lives, and Box knows it. Little wonder then, that Box is expanding into Australia and Canada as well. Read more about Box and its new regional data storage product Box Zones, here. #cloud #corporate

  1. Is Twitter Playing Moderator?

Is Twitter trying to play the cop? Dick Costolo and the team apparently, secretly censored abusive language during a Q&A session in which US President Obama was a participant. This revelation raises questions about censorship, privacy, and digital decency. #social

  1. Intel Purchases AI Firm

If Artificial Intelligence still has not roused your interest, you might be surprised to learn that Intel acquired Nervana Systems. Nervana Systems specializes in machine learning technology, and this is one of the biggest areas in AI. Read more to update yourself. #AI #corporate

  1. Augmented Reality Games and the Ethics Code

Whether you have played Pokemon Go or not, you are sure to have heard it. Some people love it, whereas others hate it. They hate it because it is invasive. Do we need a code of ethics for augmented reality-enabled games like Pokemon Go? This opinion piece explores. #ideas #AR


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