Small Details Carry The Most Impact With Customer Experience
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Small Details Carry The Most Impact With Customer Experience

By Syed Zainul Haque January 06, 2021 - 1,024 views

More than results, customers are always looking out for vendors that can provide the best experience. The rationale being it doesn’t mean much to get a gold medal if you have to walk through a wall of barbed wire to get it.

Companies are no longer satisfied with vendors that only care about getting things done by hook or by crook. They demand more insightful treatment if they are to work with that vendor again. Managers already understand this but are at a loss at how to guarantee a better customer experience.

Fortunately, we stumbled on the answer with our most recent client projects. While we didn’t embark on these projects with the purpose of finding out the answer to this question, our clients helpfully filled us in on what it was via their Clutch reviews.

Our first partner is a telecommunications company that wanted to develop an app to serve as the main digital platform for their business.

INT-Client -Reviews

Our second partner was a specialty tea shop that wanted to develop an e-commerce platform for their business as they supplement their retail presence with a digital one.


If you’ll notice the highlighted quotes at the top of each review, both companies talked about things like punctuality and understanding requirements. While we did focus on displaying our technical skill and expertise, it’s still the little things that got the most attention.

This is surprising but very good news as it means it doesn’t take a lot to become a successful partner. All these companies are really asking is for someone who will take the time and put in the honest work towards their project. To feel like their goals are important to someone else, and that they’re not wasting time on a frivolous venture.

The list of companies that grew from simply doing the small things includes top leaders from a number of industries. Microsoft focused on user experience, Amazon put a premium on convenience, and Google is still the best at knowing what people actually want when they type random things in the search bar.

Companies need a partner that understands how the little things affect the big picture, and we’re just that partner. If you’re looking for a team that dots their i’s and crosses their t’s,  we’re the ones for you. Visit our page now and let’s talk about your next project.

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