Why Sleep Is Important for Building Great Websites
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Why Sleep Is Important for Building Great Websites

By Mainak Biswas April 03, 2014 - 764 views

Building websites is not only a science but also an art. It requires professional technical training and a lot of design instruction weaved into the curriculum. Inherently, a person should have the aptitude to build websites and a sense of colors in order to choose the right combination. A web designer must also be aware of a changing world and an ever changing Internet.

While a web designer needs to be good at all these and more, he or she might forget that sleeping adequately is more important when we look at the long term effects. Web designers work by the computer for long hours and require a lot of rest. However, most web designers do not sleep enough as they have to meet deadlines, suffer from eye strain which causes sleep disorders and tend to work at night, thus disturbing the circadian rhythm. A minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep is required in order to remain healthy, creative and happy. In this article, let us take a look at what happens when a person has not been sleeping well for a long time and how lack of sleep affects the quality of websites that are designed.

Lack of sleep reduces creativity

A person is creative only when he or she has slept well. A good night’s sleep ensures that people wake up fresh, rejuvenated and with a clear mind. When a person is exhausted, he or she just cannot be creative. That means websites are not designed well. Sleeping enough and taking long periods of rest helps people to wake up refreshed and they will be in a better position to work efficiently and creatively.

Lack of sleep causes health problems

Not sleeping enough reduces one’s immunity and can cause metabolic disorders as well. In the long term, a person might develop cardiovascular issues leading to expensive procedures and sometime life threatening situations. When a person’s health is not in the optimum condition, he or she might take frequent leaves from work and miss important deadlines. If you are not healthy enough, you probably will not meet those deadlines anyway.

Lack of sleep induces irritability

When a person has not slept well, they tend to be irritable and get easily annoyed. This result in interpersonal problems at work and a person who has not slept well will not appear pleasant and happy to clients either. Lack of sleep can lead to animosity indirectly and thus, work might get affected. Web designers work in teams and when there is no healthy relationship with people that we work with, our work tends to suffer as well. Irritability is one of the main reasons why conflicts occur at workplace.

Lack of sleep causes depression

Depression is one of the most common (after common cold) and the most serious of all ailments. Depression can be triggered when a person does not get good sleep over a long and continued period of time. This means people will not be able to attend to important things and might instead spend time in negative cognitions. People who are depressed might require serious psychological and psychiatric help and a lengthy period away from work. Sleeping well and getting enough rest can prevent depression.

Lack of sleep kills motivation

Any creative task requires one to be motivated. Motivation is very important for getting work done. If one lacks motivation, creativity fails too and so shall the quality of work. If a web designer should feel motivated enough to work, he or she should sleep well. Not sleeping well can cause serious motivational issues to people and their work will suffer. Sleep has been known to be one of the most important factors in keeping people active, cheerful and motivated.

Though most web and Internet professionals do not realize, sleeping well is crucial to their professional development. There is nothing more important than getting enough rest and staying healthy. At the end of the day, our health is even more important than our own professions; and if staying healthy is important to remaining active in our professions, we have a professional duty to be healthy; and that implies, we have a professional duty to get that well-needed sleep at night.

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