Is RegTech The Missing Link Between Technology And Financial Services?
Emerging technologies FinTech

Is RegTech The Missing Link Between Technology And Financial Services?

By Syed Zainul Haque June 19, 2018 - 1,976 views

In the last few years, we have seen a voluminous increase in the growth of FinTech and it has taken over the world ever since. It is responsible for disrupting the entire financial services industry including finance, insurance, banking, payment and even customer service. The FinTech revolution is not expected to slow down any time soon.

With the increase of digitization of the financial industry, the levels of regulation are also increasing and so comes #RegTech. It is widely being speculated as the new FinTech.

But what exactly is “RegTech”? It is actually an emerging technology that is expected to assist in the compliance and regulatory activities in an easier, faster and more efficient way. It is the missing link that connects technology, financial services, FinTech, and regulations.

Let us have a look at some of the latest updates on RegTech:

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