Mobile Devices – The Greatest Influencer of Search Marketing
Digital Marketing Internet Marketing Mobile

Mobile Devices – The Greatest Influencer of Search Marketing

By Mainak Biswas March 18, 2015 - 1,725 views

Time is not so far when mobile apps would be the dominant computing tools for users across the world. Google predicts that mobile searches which are currently at 85.9 billion will soon exceed desktop searches by the end of 2015. In fact, 81 percent of conversion starts from mobile searches with 2 billion Smartphone users expected to grow globally by the end of 2015. Organic search trends are drastically changing with the rapid use of Smart devices and their varied applications.

What role does mobile search play in consumers’ life?

Consumers’ searches are ever-changing. However, the basic that they want are:

  • Simple navigation
  • Appropriate call-to-action buttons
  • Easy access to products and information
  • The facility to communicate in real time

They’re always in search of new apps that can identify their exact wants. They want the apps to present them with the right set of functionalities and options at the right time. In a nutshell, consumers demand proactive and relevant information and services from their smart devices. And mobiles help to accomplish their goals.

-Mobile search

With the increasing number of mobiles and its varied apps, life is easy. Right from streamlining grocery lists, payment of bills, online shopping, maintaining calendars, making travel plans or collaborating with co-workers, consumers associate mobile devices with productivity. They consider apps as convenient, faster and very easy to browse. The optimized design, functionality and ease of use have leaded to an enormous growth of mobile user satisfaction and engagement. Accordingly to Google, 85 percent of users prefer mobile, especially mobile apps, for search.

-Local search

Local search on mobile devices creates moment of interest connecting the local business and the searchers looking for their preferred products and services. Interestingly, it has been found that local searchers on mobile devices ultimately make a purchase. Local search opens new opportunities for businesses and creates greater visibility for the potential customers.

The primary motives behind mobile search

The reasons behind exhaustive use of smart devices can be listed under the following categories:

  • The ‘ME’ time – Seeking relaxation through entertainment
  • Self-expression – Participating in interests and hobbies
  • Discovery – Seeking news and information
  • Shopping – Seeking new products and services
  • Preparation – Planning for forthcoming activities
  • Socializing – Interacting with others

What actually drives device market performance?

The ease of use, the user interface, countless apps and the quality of design win consumers’ heart and mind within a wink of an eye. More and more companies are launching advance mobile devices and apps across the globe. Practically, they’re with us everywhere and every time as and when we need them. Users are more reliant on mobile apps for needs discovery and exhaustive search.

According to Statista report, worldwide mobile app download which is currently 179.628 billion in 2015 is expected to reach 268.692 billion by 2017. The majority of the customers actually spend 89 percent of their time in apps and 11% browsing the web.

However, mobile search strategy involves creating unique mobile keywords approach. Mobile searchers use different keywords when they’re on their mobile devices. Moreover, there are three important limitations that marketers need to keep in mind:

  • Searchers search on small screens
  • Searchers have different needs
  • Searchers do not have keyboards

Based on these observations, marketers should use analytics at disposal and think like consumers to find out what search terms mobile users use to find specific products and services.

Digital consumption is going mobile

Mobile device is fast becoming the preferred medium for searching content, reading them and sharing it with others. Searchers spend more time accessing social media from mobile devices. Almost 8% of the total activities of mobile users include searching and sharing content. The majority of the consumers are more likely to click and share content on social media networks through their smart devices compared to the desktop users. The following social media mobile statistics show its importance in today’s world…

  • 71% uses social media from mobile devices
  • 76% of Twitter users access from mobile
  • 1.1 billion Facebook users use social media on mobile

The advancement of mobile technology

Besides the equipped mobile phones, all mobile devices with internet access and video viewing capabilities have aided the promotion of search marketing. These allow businesses to promote with multimedia including audio, video, and images, which are effective in grabbing customers’ attention.

With the app-based QR Codes, location-based SMS or mobile search ads, mobile technology is the biggest drive behind the low cost of mobile advertising industry. People are so infused with mobile technology that if any company is not taking the supreme advantages of mobile marketing, they’re surely way behind the competition. As already predicted in 2013, the mobile marketing will generate $400 billion sales in 2015.

Industries across the entire world are eventually realizing the significance of mobile search marketing for their business.

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