Is Offshoring The Need Of The Hour?

Is Offshoring The Need Of The Hour?

By Syed Zainul Haque June 12, 2020 - 2,506 views

According to Gartner, nearly 74% of companies are planning to reboot their workforce to remote positions permanently after this quarantine.


Considering the pandemic situation, when maintaining in-house teams are posing health and financial threats collectively, remote working is none but a survival imperative.

The benefits? It’s more affordable, yields productivity while keeping your overhead costs down. Offshoring your tasks will allow you to access multi-dimensional teams on a need basis. Ranging from your software development cost cuts to the challenge of finding people with functional expertise, offshoring your process can mitigate your financial as well as operational risks in a more streamlined manner.

The Biggest Challenge in the Route

The vertical escalation of offshoring has opened organizations to new security risks with data breaches as the prime concern. Since remote working comes with the inevitable transition to the Cloud, it involves a lot of information shared online.

The Solution

In recent times, however, companies are becoming more vigilant in reducing the points of vulnerability. Besides, establishing a secured connection through a VPN, organizations can also enforce password safety to business-sensitive documents to strengthen security.

Remote Working is Becoming a Trend

Companies mostly rely on remote teams to scale up their operations in the most cost-efficient manner. Offshore delivery models are designed to offer the benefits of dedicated as well as Flexi hiring as per the clients’ needs. It gives organizations an excellent opportunity to connect with the best talents without much investment. The trend has increased in leaps and bounds during the past ten years, says a recent report from Global Workplace Analytics.

Scale-up with Flexible Hiring Model

Today we have multiple models that are best fit for both short & long-term projects. In scenarios where the skill matrix of a company lacks expertise in specific areas, hiring a dedicated model with required skillsets can is the best-suggested approach. Even if there are multiple skill sets and doesn’t have a fixed requirement, Flexi Hiring can be a great alternative.

Looking back, we can see how one of the most widely used chatting app WhatsApp completely relied on their remote workforce. Starting off, barely with a capital of $250,000, they sourced the tech talent from Ukraine. While handling customer support & operations in-house, the most popular chat app had a dedicated team of developers offshore.

The benefits they realized down the line is quite impressive. In a nutshell, they could:

  • Access to a full-fledged team having various skills and expertise, without keeping it directly at company’s payroll.
  • Keep the development costs minimum
  • Work on projects with high scalability chances at the same fixed billing

The rise of Flexi Staffing

The outbreak of pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to the fore. Sustaining critical activities has become a challenge. Sudden disruption has necessitated the need to fill the voids, as needs arise. Thus, flexi hiring comes to the scene where employers can recruit ‘just on-demand’ or ‘on a need’ basis, rather than carrying a large bench. For example, you can hire a remote IT support team or an individual as long as you need.

Even Google hired a geographically dispersed workforce for everything, starting from virtual assistant work, IT work, development” for as long as they want. Today, Google has more than a thousand representatives worldwide managing their customer support as needed.

The benefits of flexi hiring comes in the following ways

  • Access the right skill as per the project requirement
  • More competitive workforce without much investment

We have been at the forefront, always

As a digital partner, INT has offered a Talent Cloud, that lets several fast-growing organizations scale operations, diversify skillset in a cost-efficient manner. Our focus has been beyond just a technology partner but a partner who will work beyond contracts.

Wrap Up

“Over these years, entrepreneurs have seen offshoring as a model reserved for big enterprises. But, with technological advancements foraying the digital realm has made it quite accessible for the SMEs as well. In fact, remote delegation of the tasks bolster growth productivity and bottom lines on a large scale. Today as we sit at conjunction of technology, marketing and analytics, we know that having specialized skillset matters more than the proximity”, says Bharat Berlia, CIO of Indus Net Technologies.

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