Google Teams up with Twitter to Challenge Facebook’s Instant Article
Industry News

Google Teams up with Twitter to Challenge Facebook’s Instant Article

By Mainak Biswas September 22, 2015 - 771 views

Facebook’s ‘Instant Article’ delivers news articles instantly on mobile apps. This format can load up to 10 times faster than a typical mobile web article.  To challenge such potential, the search engine giant, Google along with Twitter and other news publishers including “The New York Times” and “The Guardian” is creating a Web link and article storage system in order to load news articles and digital magazine pieces in a few milliseconds.

While Facebook have more sway over publishers, Google is exploring ways to enhance its influence with publishers and increase its traffic to high-quality publisher content. Besides, Twitter too, wishes to retain its visitors for a longer duration. This partnership will help in greater visibility in Web search and notably display tweets embedded on web pages. Google is already planning to offer €150 million to European publishers and digital journalism start-ups in the next three-years to support news sector.

Mr. Santanu Mukherjee, one of our Account Relationship Managers, opined that Google is more effective in driving search traffics to websites where as referral traffics are mainly dominated by Social Platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Facebook is ahead in this game and to beat that Google has paired up with Twitter.

Many of the websites display the tweets on their web pages and Google picks up those tweets inform of news from the cached pages and displays instantly on the mobile devices. This helps in quick retrieval of current news and hence contributes more traffic to the website.

The project is described as accelerated mobile pages where the articles will be displayed immediately without any waiting time.

We believe Google by all means, wishes to remain the undisputed King of Web search.

Source: The Times of India.

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