The Five M-Learning Myths that You Need to Move Past
Emerging technologies Mobile Technology

The Five M-Learning Myths that You Need to Move Past

By Abhishek Rungta July 13, 2015 - 1,499 views

M-learning, the most widely used name for Mobile Learning, is believed to be the emerging trend in the e-learning sector. Though it has gained enough popularity since the starting of the 21st Century but still the industry experts consider it to be in the nascent stage; and the sole reason behind this being the myths of mobile learning, which are hindering learners from embracing the new opportunities related to this relatively new mode of learning. Hence, it’s time for you, as a learner, to move past these myths and take a step forward towards the technologically advanced world. Here are some of the most significant myths that you are expected to rule out at the earliest:

1. M-learning means “learning on the go”

It’s just an assumption. Instead, m-learning is much more than “learning on the go”. In fact, through mobile learning, you are accompanied by learning tools even in the static places. Though most of the learners resort to m-learning to learn on the move but it’s certainly not restricted to this. It’s just that it makes learning more flexible.

2. M-learning points at learning through mobile phone

It is surely a misconception. Mobile phones aren’t the sole device used for mobile learning. M-learning even includes into its periphery the devices like laptops, notebooks and tablets. To be precise, any device that does not restrict a learner’s mobility is considered suitable for mobile learning. However, mobile phones are among the most widely used devices for m-learning as these handheld devices can be used by a learner without any inconvenience.

3. M-learning is actually related to mobile devices

It’s off course about mobile devices but not just about that. Instead, it’s all about technology. After all, technology is the enabler of learning activities, which some people misperceive to be the driver. In fact, it is the integration of educational technologies into the learning sphere that enhances the overall mobile learning experience. Hence, it has nothing to do with just mobile devices.

4. M-learning is mobile-based e-learning

Some people are of the opinion that mobile learning is nothing but e-learning through mobile devices and that it offers just snippets of the learning materials. Though it is true to some extent but still m-learning is something more than this. This view does not actually take into account the fact that mobile devices have a number of additional affordances like location awareness, collaborative communication etc.

5. M-learning caters to distance learning and not classroom based trainings

It is absolutely a misinterpretation of mobile learning. M-learning does not restrict itself to distance learning. It is equally effective for classroom based learning, if the homework, museum visits, field trips etc. are taken into account. Mobile learning helps you review learning materials, collect and analyze course related details through a handheld device, which is not just easy to carry but is even easy to store information in.

Now, as you know that mobile learning is not a “15 minutes of fame” categorized learning support system and has already been projected by the industry experts to be a predominant learning method in the near future, it is advisable that you move past the aforementioned m-learning myths at the earliest. After all, mobile learning wouldn’t be a choice anymore; rather, it would emerge as a compulsive learning mode to stand apart.

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