Easy Tricks to Measure Your Twitter Marketing
Digital Marketing

Easy Tricks to Measure Your Twitter Marketing

By Mainak Biswas February 25, 2015 - 632 views

Twitter has almost become a cultural phenomena but it is also a very effective marketing tool. No marketing strategy is complete without using Twitter on a consistent basis. However, measuring your Twitter marketing strategies is also very important. On that note, we should have a basic knowledge of how Twitter works, what it is, what it is not and how you could analyze your Twitter campaigns.

In this article, let us take a look at some of the tricks with which you can easily track your Twitter campaign and measure it as well. At the end of the day, if you are unable to measure a campaign, it is not going to fetch you the ROI.

Some tricks to measure Twitter campaign

  1. Measure your retweets: Measuring the basic metrics in Twitter gives you a lot of information about the impact of your marketing campaign. Measuring retweets is a good way to know the effectiveness of your message. It tells you how influential your message is that leads your followers to share it with their followers. The more retweets you get, you are being read more often and more attentively. It also means that your messages are spreading far and wide, to the followers who follow those who retweet you.
  2. Count those mentions: Mention is used by people when they are talking about you on Twitter using @ symbol. It helps you to understand the perception of the audience. If you track all the mentions you have been getting, you will be able to know if people are talking about you in a positive or a negative way. If someone has a complaint about your product or service and has just mentioned you, address that immediately.
  3. Track those links: If you are sharing a link from your website or blog on Twitter, it is a good idea to know how many times your link was shared. LinkTally is a simple tool that helps you to know that. It is always good to know where the traffic is coming from. It will also help you to write tweets that get you more clicks.
  4. Get on the list: If people are putting your name on the list, it really means that they want to hear everything what you say. The more number of times you get added to a list, the more people think you are a valuable source of information. This explores the idea of tweeting about things that are related to your expertise. For instance, if you make polymers, try to tweet about the polymer technology often as well. You might get listed under “manufacturing”.
  5. Watch those followers: Tracking your follower growth is another good sign to know about your progress on Twitter. If too many people are unfollowing you, you are obviously saying all the wrong things. On the other hand, if people begin to follow you more often, that means you are doing it the right way. Also, notice who your followers are and what they tweet about. Based on that, you will be able to understand your own target audience.

Focus on your return on investment (ROI)

The success of your marketing effort can truly be measured by determining return on investment. To determine ROI, you need to figure out gain from investment and cost of investment. There are a number of free tools that help you to do that including Google Analytics. Using closed-loop marketing tactic, you can track the person from first click on your Twitter link to becoming a customer.

Your cost of investment is the man-hours devoted by you or your marketing manager to devise a Twitter marketing strategy. In case you are using paid ads, your cost is further added up. A negative ROI determines that your marketing strategy needs a rethink.

Twitter tracking is easy and effective

Tracking your Twitter campaign is an important way to ensure that your marketing budget is not wasted. It helps you to know what kind of blogs you need to write, what kind of tweets you need to tweet and what you are getting back at the end of the day. Twitter is a very simple but very effective tool; and the charm of using Twitter is the ease with which we can measure our marketing campaigns.

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