Dedicated Hiring Is the Future of Business :  9 Crucial Benefits of Dedicated Hiring
HRD Inside Indus Net

Dedicated Hiring Is the Future of Business : 9 Crucial Benefits of Dedicated Hiring

By Mainak Biswas July 26, 2013 - 1,183 views

Dedicated hiring solves most of the problems that arise with local hiring in your workplace. Though dedicated hiring involves the close collaboration of the employee and the business at their home countries, the communication between both of them is seamlessly managed with the latest in technology. Dedicated hiring employees work at par with their locally hired counterparts, but are way better managed than the latter.

There are a number of benefits that come with the use of dedicated hiring in your business. Let’s take a look at a few:

1. Scalability

Dedicated employees at their induction are made well aware of the lack of job security in this type of work- their services may be scrapped at any time. This temporary nature of the job makes your business flexible enough to scale the number of employees involved as and when need arises. There is no need for you to cook up a premise or find a fault worthy enough to fire an employee if he doesn’t meet your expectations in productivity or if you aim to reduce costs.

This feature in dedicated hiring that enables you to fire and hire anyone is not feasible in locally hired business. It facilitates cost optimization for and there is no need to worry much about the employees’ background during recruiting them. In locally hired business there are a lot of resources and time involved in screening the recruit through background verification.

In businesses involving locally hired employees, there is a separate wing through which the services of verification are rendered. They visit the recruit’s homes and verify their credentials by enquiring the family members so that the provided information matches the one that the recruit has furnished.

The people roped in for verifying also collect information about the recruits by getting in touch with the particulars that he mentioned concerning the teaching faculty in the educational institutions through which he graduated. All this cost to the company can be avoided through dedicated hiring because the employees here can be asked to terminate their services without prior notice.

2. No need of physical presence

There is no need for you to be physically present at the workplace. Even though the dedicated employee may be half way across the globe- one can still monitor his work. This is possible because of the latest technology used in this system of work management. All the activities are effortlessly and seamlessly managed to increase the productivity of people.

3. Lays to rest most of your anxieties

There are a lot of activities that can be easily managed as compared to dealing with a locally hired employee even though you are very far from the workplace. Here you can get rid of most of the hankering regarding your work:

a. Hankering for the status of work

You are bound to be very curious and anxious about the status of work. The anxiety to know about the work status can make you restless. Through dedicated hiring, one can expect a constant update about the status of your work through the help of technology. By keeping you posted about the recent functionality that was added to your product, you are bound to be less bothersome.

b. Hankering for the productivity of the employee

It is very common in businesses with locally hired employees to use the Internet for personal work such as checking their email, social networking or keeping a tab open in order to browse websites. All this is done right under the concerned authorities’ noses without their knowledge. They can also be seen idling away in the restrooms or other safe places at the excuse of ‘winding up’.

All these activities that lessen the productivity and efficiency of the employee can be curtailed with the introduction of dedicated hiring at your workplace. This is possible because there are systems in place to monitor the whole process of your work. The employees work on a tight schedule so that you may tackle other inefficiencies too that take a toll on the employees’ productivity with your virtual eyes.

4. Customization of your product

As you are constantly updated about the status of the work that you have off-shored, you can coax the programmers to add new functionality to your product that is consistent with your requirements. The whole process of work is transparent and you can make necessary changes regarding the design and features of the product real time through a range of gadgets that have come into being with the recent advancement in technology.

If you are using agile methodology in your remote offshoring endeavor, you can scrap the recent functionality that was added to your product midway, provided it is not consistent with your requirement, without looking back. Agile is more effective in dedicated hiring endeavors. The whole process involving dedicated employees is like an open book and this works to your advantage.

5. Thorough documentation

Your interaction with people concerned such as the scrum master is thoroughly documented in the registries of the machine and there is no question of your requirements and instant messaging or other records as such falling on deaf ears. There are sufficient records of your video conferencing too that are valuable for the progress of the work.

6. Faster trouble shooting and debugging

If you encounter any glitches in the functioning of the software and hardware provided by the vendor, there is an assurance of prompt addressal of them. There is every possibility that you go for a good brand with a blemish-free reputation to provide you with remote hiring equipment – there are not too many bogus competitors in this field. Being the trusted equipment provider and having the expertise, the vendor can fix the bugs promptly so that critical part of your work is not affected.

7. Reduced overheads

The vendor supplies you with the necessary equipment in the form of software and hardware for dedicated employees for facilitating work and getting it done in a remote offshore location. He or she provides you with all the other facilities too such as office space. It is a herculean task to make an office space available. This uphill task involves constant negotiations with concerned authorities and running from pillar to post to get the paperwork necessary for it.

There are also certain bureaucratic dealings involved as most of the dedicated hiring destinations come in the category of developing and under developed countries. In these countries one can witness rampant bureaucracy. There are certain official hurdles that require a mammoth effort and a huge amount of time to clear the skies for smooth land acquisition proceedings.

Reduced overheads mean that the expenses borne by the company dwarfs in size compared to the ones that go for locally hired employees in order to further their business prospects in the same countries that are favorable for dedicated hiring.

8. Zero setup cost

As all the building blocks of a workplace such as fully furnished office space; electronic equipments that involve storing and management of the sensitive data; maintenance of the equipment that involves the necessary upgrades to the software and also helpful in dodging security threats; HR support for the speedy hiring of the individuals necessary for your dedicated hiring endeavor holds the vendor responsible for its provision and there is no extra cost in the setup of the business.

9. Complete project management authority

The concept of hiring dedicated employees means that they work exclusively for you and you have a lot of control over procedures and processes thanks to the latest communication and monitoring tools in place. These tools provide you with the latest technology has to offer through video-conferencing, PC sharing, Skype and instant messaging tools. Thus one can expect to take updates, give directions, oversee your work, thus staying in touch with your remote employees. This gives you complete project management authority.


These benefits that are listed and discussed can convince anyone about remote hiring being the future of work, especially if one is wondering how to outsource web development. Many companies have adopted contract labor and this accounts for 10 to 15 percent of their staff. Dedicated hiring reduces the people cost by a sizeable amount in that the provident fund, insurance, pay and other expenditure are curtailed. All these cuts in the overall expenditure makes a company richer. This causes dedicated hiring to have an upper hand over other work place models and it is evident in that a host of companies are vouching for the same.

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