Common Mistakes that Mobile Ad Strategies Encounter

Common Mistakes that Mobile Ad Strategies Encounter

By Mainak Biswas March 30, 2016 - 841 views

With mobile marketing taking center stage in companies, it is becoming increasingly clear that people are making a number of mistakes. While it is a good thing that companies are actually focusing on mobile, where the most number of visitors are, they are still not able to distinguish mobile marketing from desktop marketing. There are a number of reasons for this.

Firstly, they may not understand how people use mobile devices. Secondly, they may not understand who are using what kind of mobile devices. If the companies are not using big data to gain access to data analytics, they may also not understand buyer behavior and user preferences. Thus, mobile marketing needs a multi-pronged approach which is best handled by an experienced digital marketing agency.

With that in mind, it is also important to know what mistakes others are doing, so that you can avoid them in your own mobile strategy. This will help you to create a mobile strategy that is devoid of errors or loopholes, ensuring that you will reap the most number of benefits your investment can provide you. Here are the most common mobile ad strategy mistakes. 

1. Rehashing desktop ads for mobile devices

Most companies make this mistake. They believe that mobile advertisements are similarly structured as desktop ads are. However, this is very far from the truth. Mobile ads are not only different they also need to be structured differently. Most of the times, desktop ads that appear on mobile devices do not attract the kind of hits that an ad publisher might like. Mobile advertisements should be specifically designed for mobile devices. This helps the viewer to grasp the marketing communication easily. In the end, what really matters is how put-together an advertisement really appears and when it does look designed for the device its being viewed on, there is a great chance of conversion.

2. Making ads for the mobile browser

While companies may have a mobile strategy, they may feel most people use mobile devices using browsers. So, mobile ads are built around mobile browsers. Now, most people use their cellphones and tablets to access applications. Very few people use the mobile browser all the time. If we are to invest a lot of time and effort on mobile ad strategy, it is better to do it for applications than for just mobile browsers. Mobile browsers continue to be important for people to browse but most of the visitors access your advertisements on applications. Choosing the right app used by your target audience may help you better.

3. Ads are not responsive

One of the most important things to make sure of is whether an ad is responsively designed or not. Responsive ads are designed in such a manner than they adjust to the size of the screen of the device on which they are being viewed, regardless of which one it is. This requires special skills and may prove to be costlier than regular ads. However, if we are going to opt for mobile marketing, ads should be designed for mobile devices. This means responsiveness has to be taken into account.

4. There is no monetization strategy

A number of applications do not have any strategies to make money. If you release your own application, there has to be a mobile monetization strategy. Companies usually design an application and then wonder how to monetize it. Instead, one should design an application only after a monetization plan has been decided upon. This might mean you have to find out ways to enhance subscriptions, in-app purchases and other methods to help improve the monetization. Needless to say, one must also think about how to place advertisements within an app so that more subscriptions are registered.

5. Lack of market research

It is important to understand your market before unleashing any kind of mobile ad strategy. If one does not understand what really is happening with the market that you are targeting, you will not be able to come up with a strategy that works. A number of companies avoid engaging into serious market research or they may just touch the surface.This results in a mobile ad strategy that is not completely in sync with what the market might demand. Investing in market research techniques is very important to come up with a mobile ad strategy that works. 

6. Lack of insight into psycho-graphics

Psycho-graphics help in understanding a target audience’s behaviors, personality quirks and lifestyle choices. With a lot of big data analytics being offered by cloud enterprises, it is easier now to tap into the psycho-graphics of your target audience. While demographics can easily be obtained, psycho-graphics help you to understand why people make the choices they make and what motivates them. Unfortunately, most companies do not involve psycho-graphics into their marketing strategy.

7. Verbose or lengthy ads

Nothing is more off-putting than an advertisement that is very verbose or lengthy. People who are on their mobile devices do not have a lot of patience and it is important to convey the message in as tiny an ad space as possible. The more time and effort it takes the viewer to process your marketing communication, the less likely they will actually process it. They may just ignore your advertisement altogether. In order to avoid that, you should ensure that your advertisements are short and crisp and attractive to look at, especially on a small screen.

Do not make the mistakes others have made

Certainly, it becomes clear that we must not make the same mistakes that everyone else has been making. However, companies still repeat mistakes others have made and end up suffering losses. Mobile marketing presents a very attractive opportunity. One just has to understand how to tap into this amazing opportunity without making mistakes. It is quite easy too, with all the consultants and agencies around who are there to help you. After all, when one invests money into mobile marketing, one is looking at returns, and not at revenues lost.



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