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Top Tech News; 27 Sep 2016
Industry News

Top Tech News; 27 Sep 2016

By Mainak Biswas September 27, 2016 - 1,025 views


  1. Get People to Change Those Yahoo Passwords, Now!

If you haven’t already changed those Yahoo passwords, it is probably time you did. 500 million accounts have been compromised, and Yahoo blamed it all on a state-sponsored actor. Things aren’t going well with Yahoo, and this might be one of the last nails in the coffin. Yet, you should hurry up and ask everyone you know to change passwords, especially your employees. #security

  1. 86 Percent Do Not Cycle Their Passwords

A survey conducted by BeyondTrust revealed that 86% do not regularly cycle their passwords. This means, many of your employees may be putting your enterprise security at risk. Of the 14% who do cycle their passwords, only 3% monitor their systems in real time. 52% are not even doing enough to counter known risks. Probably you need to hold a security related discussion at office? #security

  1. More Than Half of JVM Developers Embrace Microservices

In a new survey of 2,100 JVM developers, it was found that more than 50% of them embrace microservices to enhance speed and agility. Microservices are modular and granular at the same time. This means, if there is a failure to a microservice, it does not affect the entire application. The Lightbend survey further found that corporate culture was a hindrance in adopting microservices. Time to do something about that. #development

  1. NYU Professor’s Coding Rainbow Project Goes Viral

If you are planning to learn some coding yourself, or at least find videos which help in doing so, there aren’t many online. New York University lecturer Daniel Shiffman has uploaded a series of videos called Coding Rainbow, which is already going viral. Check these videos out, and they surely will help you or your employees, especially those interns. #development

  1. Don’t Personalize Digital Marketing to the Point of Depersonalization

Internet is increasingly leading to a sense of depersonalization and homogeneity, all thanks to increased personalization, this report alleges. Self similarity is apparently not limited to physical world, but is creeping to digital marketing, Internet and social media too. This essay a makes a case against the overuse of personalization, which leads to homogeneity, and that, is not good for digital marketing anyway. #digital #marketing

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