10 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Application Development
Design Web Development

10 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Application Development

By Mainak Biswas January 06, 2014 - 1,137 views

Application development is a game changing phenomenon for many businesses existing today as it comes with plenty of benefits. The basic function of application development is to streamline management role, provide better governance and modernize application portfolios for business expansion. Outsourcing application development plays an essential role in strategic decision-making process. Undeniably, cost benefit is one of the essential reasons for it as it offers improved process efficiency and distributed service with excellent delivery models. It gives you an opportunity to reduce your application environment cost while your business is continuously evolving.

Your in-house team can easily collaborate with the remotely-based outsourcing team with a sharp focus on satisfying your IT applications need. Besides this, it facilitates improved process efficiency and resource optimization. Technological advancements are such that you get greater visibility with real-time access to the development process. Your application requirement may vary a lot depending upon the type of sector you belong to. Fortunately, there are specialists with excellent skills with an acute focus on niche technologies and domain areas.

Businesses are increasingly facing permanent cost pressures with rising expectations from customers. Ultimately, IT executives expect more from their outsourcing service providers. Business partners are expected to deliver a product that can actually translate the IT savings into business advantage. Various companies offer application outsourcing services ranging from application management, development and maintenance. The requirement for mobile and cloud-based applications has increased tremendously.

Application development comes with numerous capability enhancing features like providing end-to-end support for managing applications. They provide you smart solutions that help you optimize performance and reduce the cost of your valuable business-driven applications. Outsourcing partners are much more concerned than ever to help you clearly identify the areas for improved business value, increased returns and accelerated outcomes.

Let us know why it is important for you to outsource application development:

1. Save your cost

Cost saving is one of the major factors while outsourcing application development as you only employee people on a short-term basis. So you only pay when the requirement for application development arises. Furthermore, there is no infrastructure investment required in the form of building or renting office space, software or hardware purchase and training your employees as the service provider takes complete responsibility of delivering you the end-product. To add to it, we cannot deny the productivity benefits derived and near-term cost savings benefits offered by outsourcing application development.

2. Save your time

Most of the service providers you engage, give you time-bound delivery and their team is dedicated towards the application development all around the clock. Moreover, you get real-time updates about the progress of the project through various cloud-based platforms so that you don’t spend time in traveling. And, it keeps you at par with your competitors. Thus, there is a considerable saving of time which you can devote to other crucial activities like marketing and sales.

3. Limited experience within your company

Application development is a highly technical field with continuous evolution. You must outsource this activity to expert developers so that you get a perfect business application suiting your needs. Unfortunately, it is not your in-house expertise and taking a chance with it may turn out to be a disaster causing money and time wastage. It even reduces your employees’ productivity in other day-to-day tasks. Even if you think from a global point of view, it is essential that your application is usable across different countries and in different languages. By hiring experts who have already worked with clients across the world, you can ensure that the product developed is up-to-mark as per your expectations.

4. Flexibility of work

It offers a great opportunity of hiring a virtual team which works flexibly to meet your needs. Their only goal is to serve you. If you happen to outsource your services to an Asian country, they readily work in the same time zone as your local time so that there is no time-gap in the working hours.

5. Hire talented IT professionals

Countries like India, China have a reservoir of IT professionals, all credit to the youth with keen interest in information technology followed by massive support from the government, private companies and educational institutions offering professional training. The result is that developers ultimately are very well equipped and aware of the latest technology in software development. So you don’t have to worry about your knowledge deficiency in this technical field. But make sure that you know what you want.

6. Fine tune your business strategy

Application development has turned around businesses across the world and helped them give new dimensions and devise new strategy to keep up with the time. You could be running any kind of business in manufacturing or services, applications have become a part and parcel of the game to reach out to customers spread across the globe. Moreover, population of mobile customers is on rise which has made quite easy for them to access your services. It is imperative to streamline your business processes to serve this growing class of customers.

7. Ease your regulatory compliance

Applications developed should be secured especially when it involves transactions of money. Privacy of user account information is the primary concern for developers to keep hackers at bay. With automated systems in place, it gets easier for your service provider to follow standard set of rules set by your company. It helps in keeping quality in control. Furthermore, it reduces pressure on your in-house employees to do manual follow-ups with the service providers.

8. Technological advancement

Undoubtedly, we are noticing a frequent change in technology which is getting efficient, user-friendly and resourceful by the day. Companies are working hard to gain first mover advantage. It is always recommended to outsource your application development to gain a competitive edge over your peers.

9. Alleviate risk factors

It is always advisable that you work with a developer with proven credentials as there are many new bees in the market who would try to fleece you with limited expertise at hand. A good developer always has a refined project management system in place especially to deal with contingencies like unpredictable demand and capacity variations. As a matter of fact, application development involves considerable amount of money. Keep an open channel of communication with your developer and constantly provide inputs about your demand so that there is hardly any chance for them to go wrong.

10. Maintaining headcount in your company

Hiring additional headcount for application development turns to be a time-consuming and expensive process for your company. Moreover, it becomes an additional burden for your company to house larger staff. Clearly, outsourcing application development is the practical way out to get the desired results.

Let us have a look at various applications outsourcing service portfolios to get an insight into broad field:

  • Application development – Application development assists you in redefining your business strategy and face technological challenges.

  • Application maintenance – It helps you enhance your existing IT applications through offshore-ability analysis, maintainability analysis to improve its efficiency.

  • Application management – It is a broader term which includes giving you support services for various platforms like offline, online and mobile.

  • Application modernization – Application modernization simply involves modernizing your existing systems to mitigate risks, improve flexibility and support.

  • Packaged application services – These services help you to automate value chain through ready-made application packages that can configure as per your business requirement.

  • Solution architecture assessment – It offers a thorough architectural analysis and assessment of your application and measures the parameters like scalability, performance, inter-operability and usability.

  • Testing and validation services – It helps the clients build quality assurance ability through various transformation models, testing models and frameworks.

Depending upon the need, you can choose from a variety of service portfolios. In fact, many small businesses commonly outsource application development to reduce load on their company staff and the HR benefits which must be paid to them. There are risks involved in it but they can be mitigated with continuous efforts and involvement in the project. Companies like Accenture, Infosys, Capgemini etc are some of the leaders in this industry. For growing your business at a global platform, you must collaborate with the right partner. And you can always find the right partner who is in-line with your business needs, who understands your customers, market position and also comes within your budget. The idea is to make sure that we are ready for what the future holds for us.

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